July 31, 2019
I have a complicated relationship with stuff. My grandfather grew up during the Great Depression and instilled in his children–my mom included–the ethos of never throwing anything away. Of reusing, of finding good deals, and of making do with what you have. These were valuable lessons for me and they form the basis of my…
July 19, 2019
Lynn is an art teacher in southern Maine, where she lives with her husband Lucas, a carpenter, and their ten-year-old son. Lynn loves teaching art but loves creating art even more and would like to have more flexibility and balance in her life. Case Studies are financial (and life) dilemmas that a reader of Frugalwoods sends…
July 12, 2019
June 2019 A time of idyl and pleasures, summers in Vermont are hedonistic romps through finally-thawed ground. For two months, maybe three, we denizens of the Northeast are made ecstatic by green grass and ripening gardens. Then we get hot, retreat to the porch, and complain that it’s only 10am and already 75 degrees. We…
July 8, 2019
I used to pay $81 a month for my cell phone service. Now, I pay $10.65 a month. It’s rare that there’s one weird trick to saving money. Usually, saving entails hard work and sacrifice. Today, I bring you an exception. Today, I bring you a way to save money every month that’s easy and…
July 1, 2019
It’s the first day of the Uber Frugal Month Group Challenge! If you haven’t signed up yet, there’s still time to join us. Put your email address into the box below by 11:59pm EST tonight (July 1, 2019) and you’ll be on track with the group: Note: you can take the UFM Challenge at any…