March 30, 2018
I am SO EXCITED about this month’s Reader Suggestions because it tackles a topic that comes up over and over again as folks try to slim down their monthly spending: EXERCISE! Paying to exercise is something many of us do without even considering the impact on our budget because it’s for a good cause. And…
March 21, 2018
I’ve been thinking a lot about the concept of less lately. Living on less money was the origin point of this reflection and it’s where I began my journey. I learned how to live on less money and how to thrive as a result. It’s sheer liberation to live on less money (a concept I…
March 19, 2018
All other events in February were truly dwarfed by the fact that our second daughter, Littlewoods, was born this month! I’m sure other things happened, but it feels like that was about it. Our spending certainly reflects her imminent arrival, most notably in the area of… Restaurants! Whoa, Mrs. Frugalwoods, you’re probably thinking, what is…
March 16, 2018
We’re headed Down Under for this month’s Reader Case Study to chat with Sam and Keith who live in Brisbane Queensland, Australia. Today we’re going to help them figure out how to pay down their debt and save up for their future! Case Studies are financial and life dilemmas that a reader of Frugalwoods sends to…
March 12, 2018
February 2018 Patches of grass made themselves known this month as snow receded by degrees, not unlike ocean waves. A sunny day would initiate a melt, with grass and mud gradually reclaiming territory, biting away at the uneven edges of ice and slush. The next day, snow would mount a resistance, falling determinedly for a…
March 6, 2018
I can’t believe I’m actually writing these words, but, as of today, I’m officially a published author! My book, Meet the Frugalwoods: Achieving Financial Independence Through Simple Living, is out today! Published by HarperCollins, I am beyond thrilled to share my story of realizing the joys of frugality, simplicity, and the power of wisely managing your…