April 20, 2023
Neko and her husband Jerry live in Toronto, Ontario with their dog and two cats. Everything about Neko’s life sounds perfect on the surface–a loving marriage, engaging work, fun hobbies, a close-knit family living nearby–but she’s harboring secret debt that’s causing her immense physical and emotional pain. Neko would like our help understanding how to…
April 18, 2023
The kids had the last week of February/first week of March off school, so we went on a few local family day trips! First up: Skiing at Burke Mountain We’d never been to this ski area before and figured vacation week was the perfect time to try it out. The mountain has a “Wicked Wednesdays”…
April 13, 2023
Aurelia is a high school teacher at a public school in Boston who recently bought her first condo and is thrilled to be a homeowner at the age of 27! Tempering that enthusiasm, however, are her new competing financial demands of house maintenance costs, retirement, saving for Invisalign braces and paying off her student loans….
April 11, 2023
As I shared last week, April is the NINTH anniversary of Frugalwoods! To celebrate, I’m typing down memory lane with reflections on some of my most influential old posts. Nine years is a long time to do anything and I’m curious to see if I agree with my old self or if my thoughts have…
April 7, 2023
April is the ninth anniversary of Frugalwoods! Hard to believe I’ve been doing this for so long yet am still invigorated and excited to type words at you and help people with their money!!!! This is–by far–my longest tenure at a job and I’m not ready to quit or fire myself! To celebrate, I’m going…