October 28, 2016
I am an incredibly fortunate person: my frugality is elective, not a requirement for my survival. While I enjoy frugality and the tremendous benefits it yields, I’m also aware that part of this enjoyment stems from the fact that it’s an optional lifestyle for me and my family. Much of what I write about, and reflect on,…
October 21, 2016
Much of what I own was previously owned by someone else. This is not news to you frugal acolytes and I’d wager your stuff is probably of a similarly second-hand strain. Plus, we recently established that used stuff is decidedly not gross. But did you know that buying used improves your health? And makes your hair grow back?…
October 14, 2016
If you’re just tuning in, this is a recurring series in which I document each month of our lives out here on our 66-acre Vermont homestead. After leaving urban Cambridge, MA in May 2016 to chart this wholly different life, we’re experiencing a constant learning curve of exploration (and plenty of stupid novice moments). Check out…
October 11, 2016
Brace yourselves for an expense onslaught: September was our priciest month on record. By far. Yes indeed, we’ve royally outdone ourselves this time. Fueled by travel, a dishwasher, and our property tax bill–among other things–we spent a gigantic amount of money this month. But, it was (mostly) all for good. And, I am (mostly) unconcerned….
October 6, 2016
I sort of forgot that sometimes we do Reader Case Studies here on Frugalwoods, but I love them! And fortunately, a loyal reader–we’ll call her Julie for this exercise–hadn’t forgotten. She contacted me last week to ask if I’d be willing to publish her story and I’m delighted to do so. A bit of background: Reader Case…