A note to new readers: while we often delve deeply into financial topics (such as The Privilege of Pursuing Financial Independence and 11 Ways To Be A Frugal Weirdo And Love It), we also like to keep it irreverent and downright silly. Because hey, who doesn’t need an investigative interview series conducted by a dog?! And so, I hope you’ll enjoy Frugal Hound Sniffs! If you’d prefer a more, ahem, financial independence-related post, start here.
Howdy Cyber Space.
Frugal Hound here. It has come to my attention (namely through today’s interview) that not all dogs are required to dress-up and/or wear coats. I feel I’ve been duped, tricked and otherwise offended/anthropomorphized by my humans.
Something must be done. Greyhounds should not wear clothes! For evidence of contrary practice by my terrible parents, look no further than this embarrassing photo. I post this not for the sympathy, but to raise awareness.
And on that grave yet hopeful note, I introduce Angel, the darling (and non-clothes wearing) husky of Even Steven Money. I hope you’ll join me in thoroughly sniffing Angel!
1) Who are you? What are you? And who are your parent(s)?
I’m a Siberian Husky named Angel. Although from time to time they call me Angelica (from Rugrats) and Angelita (pretty sure my Mom is Spanish). My parents are Mr. and Mrs. Even Steven Money, but I don’t usually call them that….
2) What frugal tips and tricks does your human use in your pet care regime?
Well the first frugal thing they did was getting me from a rescue; they didn’t have to worry about how expensive I’d have been if they’d gotten me as a puppy–which is good thinking in my book. I know they go to Costco to get all my tasty food and buy treats in bulk, plus every once in awhile they give me these amazing soup bones that are way cheaper than the store. I’m pretty sure they give those to me because I’m awesome.
3) Favorite treat?
Oh boy but I love so many things! When my parents cook they love to give me green pepper and tomatoes–those are fantastico (see I told you my mom was Spanish). Also, Mr. Even Steven likes to snack on sandwich meat, I think he calls them air sandwiches, what a silly name, why would anyone eat air? Anyways I make sure to run as fast as I can once I hear the plastic baggie open because that means I get at least one air sandwich.
4) Favorite toy?
Favorite toy, you know great question, thanks for asking. I like to keep it simple, I don’t need some fancy squeaky toy; I’m old school you know. I prefer my tennis ball and my frisbee. I really like to chew them up as much as possible. I mean if you want to throw them I’m not opposed, but… chewing them is my thing.
5) What’s the most expensive thing you’ve destroyed?
I AM A LADY, how dare you, how dare you.
6) Most embarrassing moment?
Mrs. Even Steven Money happened to be walking me during the winter time, there was some snow, some ice, and for some reason I saw something shiny… It could have been a squirrel, maybe a rabbit, but I was going for it! I think Mrs. ESM wanted me to be free–at least based on the fact that it was just me and the leash chasing the shiny object. Mrs. ESM laughed or cried a little, hard to tell since I was down the street, but everything worked out. I ran up to some nice people at the local bar, they made a phone call and a few hours later I was back chilling on my bed. What’s great is that sometimes, they just let me free–well, me and the leash, but Mr. Even Steven he’s getting smarter, no phone calls needed… great guy I think you guys would like him.
7) How often do you get a bath and would you say it’s too often?
I am bathed about twice a year, but I am not a big fan of these things you refer to as baths. I don’t know if it’s the soap, the water, the scrubbing, but it’s the 21st century and I should have choices and my choice is: no baths! Viva no baňarse! Oops, I forget you guys might not know Spanish: Long Live No Baths!
8) What is your family’s financial plan or goals and how do you contribute?
My family’s financial plans are to retire early. Mr. Even Steven talks about it all the time and you know what, I support him. I mean, when he stays home instead of going to work, I get to walk and take such long adventures, so early retirement is Angel approved. I think the number one way I contribute are through fun family activities with me! Like going for walks to the park and going to Lake Michigan–you wouldn’t believe how many dogs are there–good times had by all. But yeah, it’s all free! Plus we both get in shape, me with my girlish figure and the main man, just keeping that guy moving is good for him.
9) What is your best skill?
Mr. Even Steven calls me a diva, but I’m not sure if that’s a skill. So I’m going with my ability to find food. It doesn’t matter if its buried under 3 feet of snow, I will sniff it out and BOOM, I’m eating pizza. I need to stay on top of my game, I mean you never know when snow is going to come and we might need some food, although I always have food in the house, so maybe I don’t need the pizza? That’s crazy talk, but I had you guys going right?
10) Do you have any outfits you like to wear?
I’ve seen other dogs out there with jackets and boots and all sorts of stuff, but not me. I mean, have you seen my fur? If you had this fur would you cover it up? I mean come on. Mrs. Even Steven tries from time to time, but the Mr. quickly takes it off because he knows. Like I said before, smart guy… make sure to check him out at Even Steven Money or on Twitter.
Thanks again for the interview, Frugal Hound! I’m hoping this leads to big things for me, I figure first this interview, then commercials, maybe Alaska, who knows where this crazy world is going to take me.
The End
Thank you, Angel! Why hide that glossy coat of yours indeed! If only my parents were as wise as yours with regards to dog wardrobes…
Mrs. Frugalwoods here: Many thanks to Even Steven Money for assisting Angel with her hilarious, and lovely, interview. Even Steven Money is all about Even Steven’s journey to paying back all of his debt, becoming Even Steven, and reaching financial independence to retire early. Mr. and Mrs. Even Steven are paying off the last of their student loans and working their Frugalwoods off to get there, throwing overtime, bonuses, tax refunds, stocks, eBay side hustles, and just about anything else they can get their hands on to be debt free. Don’t be fooled by the student loans, they are on their way to financial independence and early retirement through their retirement investments–predominantly their real estate investment properties.
P.S. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for even more hilarious photos of Frugal Hound and friends!
Hello Angel! Glad to see more frugal hounds out there!
Frugal Hound was so happy to interview a fellow hound too 🙂
You’re quite a beauty, Angel! (As are you, Frugal-Ballerina-Hound!)
Yeah she’s a beauty, she couldn’t agree more;)
Your poor dog looks so sad in those crazy outfits! Ha!
My dog has that same look when he has a sweater on. He just looks at me like, “Really?”
One of the reasons Angel does not wear such outfits!
Nice to meet you Angel! Good luck on the early retirement goal, sounds like a win-win for everyone!
Angel is ready for constant walks and a new backyard I’m sure.
Cool dog. Looking mean in the car!
Are there many husky’s down the pound? Seems like too nice a dog to end up abandoned.
Mr Z
Thanks yeah she’s a fun dog, I describe her as crazy, but a fun dog. We actually got Angel from a Siberian Husky Rescue in the middle of know-where Illinois, Here’s the link they were great and yeah we got extremely lucky with our choice.
I love this series!! My brother-in-law has had a number of huskies and they always look scary to me, but they are really sweet and protective dogs.
People are scared because they pretty much think I’m a Wolf, hard to get past that. Even took my wife a little bit to get comfortable with a bigger dog.
This is adorable! What a beautiful dog you are, Angel! You had me cracking up at “I AM A LADY” ;).
She really can be a diva, so I think she only thought it appropriate to take a stand against that she would destroy anything, because of course she is a lady;)
Awe Angel is a beauty with beautiful blue eyes!
Yeah she’s a cutey, we went into the dog search looking for a puppy, male, from a breeder and we went with a 1 year old, female, from a rescue, she was just right for us.
This site certainly features some smart, gorgeous and financially savvy canines! Way to go Angel AND Frugal Hound!
I mean Angel is all about finding food that’s free of charge that is just left there for birds and squirrels, I mean now that’s Frugal!
Hello Angel! Getting bathed twice a year seems alright. Maybe convince your parents to dry clean you. 😀
The amount of time and energy spent bathing Angel, I’m surprise they do it all. Dry cleaning costs extra, idk.
Angel is one pretty lady! And she’s financially savvy. Can’t beat that!
Who doesn’t love a financially savvy pretty lady?!
Angel, you are gorgeous! Can’t believe they got you for free! It’s great you keep your human moving too;0)
Not entirely free since you pay for shots, vaccinations, etc but might be our best money spent and yes she’s my own personal gym, she makes sure I don’t forget to walk her by jumping on the bed to see if i’m awake.
We have lots of Huskies that dogsled in our area. Really tough and super cool dogs! With that fur, you certainly don’t need clothes. Poor frugal hound would freeze to death trying to dogsled! Nice to meet you, Angel.
That’s really fun, the rescue actually takes some of the huskies and does a dogsled, proud to say Angel was a part of the crew, probably the reason she tries to sprint everywhere. Angel says indeed it was a pleasure;)